This paper valuates the effects of the mix of increasing block pricing and peak-load pricing of China's residential electricity demand. It identifies the coexistence of price subsides and efficiency costs. Representative consumers will enjoy overall subsidies of 0.21 - 0.38 Yuan/KWh, as they enjoy price subsidy during peak period and suffer efficiency cost during valley period. Both price subsidy and efficiency cost increase as the electricity consumption grows, but they show different trends which mean that the subsidy will not increase but will vanish finally as the electricity consumption grows. The consumers using more electricity don't necessarily enjoy more subsidies. Both price subsidies and efficiency costs increase with the electricity consumption, but show different trends which means that the consumers consuming more do not necessarily enjoy more subsidies. The effects inherent between blocking pricing and peak-load pricing make it hard to promote pricing efficiency and fairness, so promoting nation-wide peak-load pricing after the introduction of blocking pricing lack sufficient and robust theoretical and practical foundation. The pricing policy decision-makers haven't accurately understood the true residential demand feature and the real effect of the pricing mix. It is strongly recommended that the residential pricing reform should be coordinated with the whole electricity institution reform, because the success of the residential reform depends on the introduction of a competitive wholesale market which can discover the true social cost of electricity, rather than alternating different regulated pricing methods.