针对当前企业中不同应用系统之间存在的数据共享问题,提出了一种基于BOM(bill of material)的数据集成方法.首先给出异构数据源集成的总体架构,分析其中关键部件的作用,接着给出数据元模型的定义和多视图BOM的形成与转化,然后,介绍基于BOM的企业异构信息系统集成在CAD,CAPP(computer-aidedprocess planning),MES(manufacturing execution system)系统中的应用,最后以一个车间看板管理系统实例来验证方法的可行性和正确性.实例证明,该方法可以满足企业异构数据实时集成的需求.
In order to solve the problem of integrating heterogeneous data between different application systems, an approach of heterogeneous data integration based on BOM (bill of material) is proposed. Firstly, the main architecture of heterogeneous data integration is introduced, especially the function of the platform's key components. Secondly, the data meta-model is defined and the methods of formation and transformation of multi-view BOM are proposed. Furthermore, the wide application of integrating heterogeneous data in CAD, CAPP (computer-aided process planning) and MES (manufacturing execution system) systems is described. Finally, a Kanban system is used as a case study to verify the correctness and feasibility of the approach. The result shows that the approach can meet the enterprise requirements of heterogeneous data integration.