How to accurately determine the mechanical parameters of deep alluvial soils with strong struc- ture is a difficult issue in construction of projects with deep alluvial soils, and this paper focuses on the problem by studying how to determine the dynamic deformation parameters through comprehensively consider- ing the in-situ tests and the laboratory tests. Research results indicate that the in-situ structure effects can be reflected by the maximum shear modulus tested from joint tests of in-situ wave tests and laboratory reso- nant column tests, and the in-situ dynamic deformation properties can be accessible by the normalized curve of G/Gmax-γ/γ and )--γ /γtested from reconstituted samples in laboratory. Therefore, the dynamic deformation parameters of deep alluvial soils can be determined by comprehensively considering the test re- sults of field wave tests and the laboratory tests, which can reflect the in-situ structural effects.