The Mayum gold deposit in western Tibet plateau was discovered in 2001 by the Tibet Geothermal and G-e- ological Party of Tibet Bureau of Geology and Mineral Exploration and Development. It was once considered to be of the hot spring type. The authors' study, however, reveals that the Mayum detxxsit should belong to the orogenic gold deposit. This conclusion is based on the following evidence: ① ore bodies are hosted by greenschist of the metamorphic terrain; ② the ore-forming age is about (59.34 ±0.62) Ma, suggesting that minera- lization took place at the culminatiom period of the Indo-Asian collision. ;③ ore bodies occur along the ductile zones near the supra-crustal fault belt; ④ ores are mainly of quartz vein and altered rock types, and auriferous quartz veins are massive, with no low-temperature crustose and banded structures and chalcedony observed among ores; ⑤ preliminary fluid inclusion studies show that the ore fluid is mainly of low salinity and CO2-rich NaCl-H2O type, and ore-forming temperatures are between 240 and 280℃, with the mode being 270℃ ; ⑥ oxygen and hydrogen isotope geochemistry indicates that the ore fluid seems to be a mixture of metamorphic fluid and meteoric water.