Taken Sandia flame D as an example,the thermal radiation effects of turbulent jet flame was numerically investigated.Based on the turbulence and combustion modelling with realizableκ-εturbulence model,probability density function(PDF) model and detailed chemical mechanism, thermal radiative transfer equation(RTE) was solved by discrete ordinate method(DOM),and the radiative properties of combustion gases were calculated using Planck mean absorption and box model respectively.It shows that the estimated temperature and species concentration distribution of the flame agree well with the experimental data when the gas thermal radiation effect is considered. Furthermore,the result with box model which takes both the spectral effect and temperature into accounts is better than that of the Plank mean absorption coefficient method which is merely related with temperature.Therefore,thermal radiation effects of combustion gases are very important in the simulation of turbulent flame,and the spectral effects of combustion gases should be considered in detail.