针对目前多移动机器人通信系统通用性较差的问题,提出一个多移动机器人通信系统设计原则。中南移动二号多移动机器人采用直接通信的方式,基于移动自组网的结构组建通信网络,并提出一个基于簇的多机器人通信协议进行机器人间的通信,在WindowsXP系统平台上予以实现。该通信系统可应用于装有Windows XP操作系统的移动机器人上,具有一定的通用性。在多移动机器人团队上对该通信系统进行实验。研究结果表明:簇结构的重构时间约1 s,团队监测机器人脱离团队的时间约1s,寻找传输路径的时间小于1 s;此外,可对该通信系统的参数进行调整,以适应不同的环境。
In order to improve the compatibility of current communication system,a principle for the design of multi-mobile robots communication system was presented.MORCS-Ⅱ(Mobile robot of central south-Ⅱ) multi-mobile robots used explicit communication method,communication network was based on Ad Hoc network,communication protocol based on cluster was proposed and the prototype of the system was developed in the Windows XP operate system,which brought about some compatibility.The results show that the reconfiguration time of cluster structure is about 1 s,the time that one robot is away from a team can be detected in about 1 s,the time of finding transport path is about 1 s.Besides,the parameters can be modified so that the system is adequate to different environments.