Turkish Non-Muslim minorities consist of Armenians, Greeks, Bulgarian, Georgian, Arabs who are all Christians, Jews who are Judaist, Arabs and Assyrians who are Baha' is, Yezidis and primitive polytheists. Though the Treaty of Lausanne defined the rights and status of minorities already, Kemalism still did not put these rights into practice wholly, and so restricted Non-Muslim minorities'religion freedom, education rights, property and wealth, personal safety, and rising channel during the process of modernization. After the Justice and Development Party came to power, it rapidly revises the Constitution and introduces a lot of relevant laws to enhance political and social status of non-Muslim minorities for meeting the requirement of EU. However, the fundamental improvement of non-Muslim minorities' political and social situation needs to break through the framework of "Treaty of Lausanne", weak the impact of Kemalism on the national development and construct the generally accepted identity based on civic nationalism.