With the rapid growth of aitraffiflow, aitrafficongestion and flighdelayin terminal arehave become increasingly prominent, and even endangeaviation safety. Aone of the core contentof AiTraffiFlow Managemen(ATFM) in terminal area, AircrafArrival Scheduling (AAS) determinean efficienlanding schedu- ling scheme fogiven seof aircraftin ordeto insure the safety of aircrafts. Two algorithmwere presented fooptimizing arrival sequenceof airporrunway operations. Aircrafprioritiewere introduced to outwo algorithms. ConstrainPosition Sifting (CPS) constraintwere also added in ordeto make the scheduling resultmore accepta- ble to the aitrafficontroller. Validated with the practical datof the Beijing Capital International Airporof CAAC, the resultshowouwork imuch bettethan the FCFsolveboth in total delay cosand equity.