Seven EST-CAPS markers were identified from 54 candidate ESTs for genetic mapping with an F, population of Eucalyptus urophylla x E. tereticornis, including three specific in female parent ( one being aberrant from normal segregation among the sibs), two specific in male parent, and two shared by both parents. Four EST-CAPS markers were integrated to independent linkage groups on the RAPD linkage map of E. urophylla constructed previously, which contributed to some degrees to the extension of linkage group length. Also, four EST-CAPSs were mapped to different linkage groups on the RAPD linkage map of E. tereticornis, which gave rise to the increase of linkage group length. In addition, the aberrant marker was found to be unlinked to any linkage group in E. urophylla. This study demonstrated the usefulness of EST-CAPS markers in genetic mapping in Eucalyptus.