采用单剪拉拔试验分析碳纤维布复合材料(Carbon fiber reinforced polymers,CFRP)加固混凝土结构因不同的混凝土表面处理而出现不同的粘结界面破坏形式,以及对粘结强度的影响.着重根据粘结-滑移关系曲线分析在不同应力作用下碳纤维布复合材料的应变和应力分布,以及剪应力在界面的传力机理.试验结果显示,混凝土表面的处理对CFRP加固混凝土结构的粘结性能影响较大,单剪试验中粘结剥离破坏过程具有明显的规律性.最后,根据试验结果提出建议以供FRP加固混凝土结构工程应用参考.
An experimental study was made to obtain clear understanding of the underlying mechanisms of the bonding strength of reinforced concrete structures with carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP). The paper examines the load and strain data from a series of single shear pull-off tests, in which CFRP sheet is used to strengthen the concrete with different bond surface treatments. The concrete surface roughness has effect on the bond performance between the concrete and fiber reinforced polymers sheet.