With the advances in NMR theories and spectrometer hardware technology, NMR is playing an increasingly important role in studying multi-scale structure and dy-namics of polymers. In this paper, the newest developments in solid-state ^1H and 13^C NMR techniques and their applications in the studies of polymer structures and dynamics were reviewed. High-resolution solid-state ^1H NMR techniques, such as multiple-pulse and fast magic angle spinning (MAS), have made it possible to determine the chemical structures of polymers and to detect the intra- and inter-polymer interactions effectively. Taking advantages of through-bond (J coupling) and through-space (dipolar coupling) interactions, two dimensional heteronuclear correlation NMR experiments now can be used to resolve the microstructures of complex polymer chains. The recoupling tech- niques allow dipolar interactions and chemical shift anisotropy to be observed under MAS conditions, thus enabling simultaneous detection of high-resolution ^1H or 13^C sig-nals and quasi-static anisotropic interactions. The domain sizes and interphase thickness in multiphase polymers and miscibility in polymer blends can now be determined effec-tively using the dipolar filter techniques. In the dynamics studies, it is now possible to obtain information on local fast motions of a single bond and super-slow chain dynamics by efficient suppression of spin-diffusion among protons and recoupling of chemical shift anisotropy. In summary, the advanced solid-state NMR techniques have enabled de-tailed studies on polymer microstructure, phase separation and dynamic behavior at dif- ferent time and length scales, and on the relationship between the microstructure and macroscopic properties of polymers.