To bring the performance of the concrete shear keys for the short and medium span beam bridges into full play ,the simplified calculation models for the sliding of the laminated rub‐ber bearings and the mechanical performance of the concrete shear keys were built up with refer‐ence to the typical seismic damage of the short and medium span beam bridges in the Wenchuan earthquake .By way of example of a continuous beam bridge with each continuous unit of 3 × 30-m spans ,the Opensees was used to create the model and the influences of the shear keys on the trans‐verse seismic performance of the structures and the selection of the proper design parameter values (e .g .the strength and deformation capacity) for the shear keys were analyzed .The results of the analysis demonstrate that for the short and medium span beam bridges ,it will be proper if the val‐ues of about 0 .45 times of the transverse yielding forces of the piers are selected for the strength and the values of 1 .5-2 .0 times of the critical sliding displacement of the laminated rubber bear‐ings are selected for the deformation capacity of the shear keys .Under the situations of the differ‐ent intensity of the ground motion and the different pier height ,the selection of the proper design parameters for the shear keys can effectively control the maximum displacement of the bearings , reduce the risk of the fall of the beams of the structures in the transverse direction and at the same time ,the seismic damage to the piers under the structures can be also maintained in the allow able range .