Taking into account the user’s need for data privacy and the untrustworthiness of cloudservers,the use of attribute-based cryptography(ABE)to build cloud-oriented security data sharingprogram is widely studied.When a user is revoked,the existing standard ABE mechanism can’t ensurethat the revoked user can’t continue to access the massive ciphertext data in the cloud server.Aimingat the above problems,this paper proposes a ciphertext strategy attribute encryption scheme(SR-CPABE)which can support the reusable storage of encryption and decryption by combining the idea ofciphertext update and key update.The program ensures that the user can’t access the ciphertext byperiodically updating the ciphertext stored in the cloud server.At the same time,this program throughthe combination of the idea of key split,encryption and decryption process in the complex computingoutsourcing to the untrusted cloud server to reduce the user’s encryption and decryption calculation.The experimental results show that the proposed scheme is effi cient and feasible.