Tb作为镧系元素中少数几个有荧光性质的稀士离子,在荧光方面有很多重要的应用。如Tb被广泛用于与蛋白质钙位点结合的荧光探针,同时也可根据Tb的荧光特性,用荧光方法定量分析Tb-有机配体配合物。本研究发现HEPES(常用的pH缓冲剂)可显著增强Tb在585nm的特征荧光发射峰,同时微弱的增强Tb在490nm和549nm的特征荧光发射峰。一直以来,经常使用Tb在549nm处的特征荧光发射峰定量研究Tb化合物的浓度;然而,本研究却发现在进行此类实验时需要慎重选择实验条件,因为Tb荧光的定量分析结果会随缓冲试剂浓度或者含量的变化而改变。另一方面,Tb 585nm处的特征荧光发射峰的荧光强度与HEPES和Tb离子的浓度都有一定的依赖关系,因此Tb 585nm特征荧光发射峰也有被用于荧光定量分析研究的潜能。
Terbium (Tb) has been extensively used as a fluorescence probe for the identification of calcium-binding sites in proteins and for fluorometric analysis of organic ligands. In the current study, we reported that HEPES, a commonly used pH buffer reagent, significantly enhanced the characteristic emission of Tb at 585 nm. The maximum emission of Tb at 490 nm and 549 um were also enhanced by HEPES to a less extent. Thus, cautions should be taken when quantitative analysis is performed based on the fluorescence emission of Tb at 549 nm, since the emission may vary due to the buffer reagents. Additionally, the fluorescence intensity at 585 um was proportional to the concentration of both HEPES and terbium ions, which might be utilized to develop new fluorometric analytical methods.