The chemical composition, mineral constituent, and microstructure of steel slag powder were investi-gated by EPMA, XRD, SEM test, respectively. The results indicated steel slag powder has the potential of cemen-titious performance. The steel slag powder was used as the additive of mucky cement soil, and the mucky cementsoil blocks were prepared. The influence of steel slag powder content on the unconfined compression strength ofmucky cement soil was studied by the unconfined compression strength test. The result showed that under the samecement content and age, with the increase of steel slag powder content, the unconfined compression strength cementsoil blocks increased first, and then decreased. The strength of the mucky cement block can be effectively in-creased under an appropriate steel slag powder content. Lastly, combined with the test data, it theoretically analy-zes the functional mechanism of cement and steel slag powder for mucky soil reinforcement, providing the test andtheoretical basis for the application of steel slag powder in cement soil.