Soils developed from volcano ejecta in Changbai, Longgang and Kuandian were studied for description of morphological properties of the soils and for determination of pH, organic carbon, phosphate retention, iron-aluminium ox- ides and volcanic glass. Besides, diagnostic horizons, diagnostic characteristics and taxonomy of the soils were discussed in reference to according to the principles and methods of the " Keys to Chinese Soil Taxonomy (3rd ed) and the "Keys to US Soil Taxonomy (The USA llth ed)" Results show that soils developed from volcano ejecta should not necessarily be classified as Andosols. The soil on the top of the volcanic cone, Tianchi of the Changbai mountain is poorly developed and should be classified as Primosols, while the soil at the foot of the cone is well-structured and characterized by volcanic ash and hence should be classified as Andosols. The soils on top of the Qingyi mountain in Kuandian and at the foot of the Longgang maintain all display features of volcanic ash and should be classified as Andosols. The soil at the foot of the Da- chuantou maintain in Kuandian falls short of the index of volcanic ash in content of 0.02 - 2 mm particles, but it displays a clear Cambic horizon, so it should be classified as Cambosols,