Zhizhong Fu is an associate professor in School of Communication and Information Engineering. University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. His research interesls are wireless com- munication and multimedia transmission and sig-nal processing and its real-time implementation technology. E-mail: fuzz@uestc.edu.cn Yanjing Yang was born in 1988. She is a graduate student in School of Communication and Informa- tion Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. Her research interest is digital image processing. E-mail: yangyanjing2013@gmail.com Chang Shu is an instructor in School of Communi- cation and Information Engineering. University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. His research interests are pattern recognition and com- puter vision. E-mail: changshu@uestc.edu.cn Yuan Li was born in 1989. She received her B. S. degree in communication and information engineer- ing from University of Electronic Science and Tech- nology of China in 2012. She is a graduate student in School of Communication and Inforrmation Engi- neering, University of Electronic Science and Tech- nology of China. Her interest is digital image pro- cessing. E-mail: 1075670180@qq.com