Sustainability of energy supply is particularly important for energy resources assessment. Crop residue is important raw material for bioenergy, while the seasonal variance nature of residue harvest may restrain its sustainable supply. In this paper, the authors examined seasonal variations in residue harvest and sustainability of its energy supply in 31 provinces of China by using the seasonal index and building the sustainability coefficient, respectively, based on main crop production data from 2005 to 2009. Subsequently, influencing factors affecting the persistence degree of supply were discussed. Results show that obvious seasonal variation occurred in straw harvest in 31 provinces. Over two thirds of provinces had more than half of their total residue resources distributed in September and October. However, monthly distribution of the residue varied significantly among provinces. All of the provinces could not guarantee continuous residue supply throughout the year in the absence of straw storage. The sustainability of supply varied greatly among provinces. Hunan, Anhui, and other major grain producing provinces located in the lower and middle reaches of the Yantze River had the highest continuity degree of supply with abundant residue which could fulfill the residue demand for 6 to 8 months, whereas other provinces just had enough supply in a few months and suffered from supply shortage to varying degrees during the rest months. The sustainability of supply was positively correlated with total residue production and negatively with the seasonal index and energy consumption, suggesting that abundant residue resources with uneven monthly distribution or huge straw demand measured by electricity consumption might lead to a low continuity degree. Geographic location, climatic condition, cropping system, industrial structure, and agricultural structure were the major causes of supply continuity degree. Diverse and abundant crop residue due to fertile soil across plain areas, temperate climate with plenty of ra