波移光纤是闪烁体中子探测器的重要组成部分,其性能参数——光衰减长度、光损失率和光吸收重发射效率等将直接影响探测器的性能。本研究利用一套光纤性能测试试验装置,系统地研究了BCF91A型波移光纤的光传输性能。结果表明:BCF-91A型波移光纤光衰减长度为(148±5)cm,吸收重发射效率约为5.6%;当光纤转弯半径为20 mm,长度为1.1 m时,其性能可以满足闪烁体中子探测器要求;BCF-91A型波移光纤是很好的光纤候选材料。
The position-sensitive scintillator neutron detector(SSND) with high efficiency, high resolution and high n/γ discriminate ability etc., is developed to replace the traditional3 He neutron detector. The wave-length shifting fibers(WLSF) are used in SSND. The performances of BCF-91 A type WLSF, such as attenuation length,bend loss and lights transportation ability etc., are studied in this paper. The attenuation length is(148±5) cm.The lights transportation ability is about 5.6%. When the length of WLSF is 1.1 m, the bend radius is 20 mm,the photon number N transferred by the fiber meet the demand of SSND. According to the result, BCF-91 A type WLSF is a good candidate for SSND.