Experiment was conducted in field with 6 grape cuhivars including Yatomi Rosa,Victoria, Flame Seedless,Red Glow, Fujiminori and Ruby for studying the arbuscular mucorrhizal status and analyzing the correlation between available soil P and arbuscular mycorrhizae. The results showed that in these 6 grape cuhivars, Fujiminori cultivar expressed better mycorrhizal colonization and structure development but Victoria cultivar had worse development. Mycorrhizal structure developed less on the root thickness of 〈0.4 to 〉2.0 mm, some entry dots, versicles and arbuscles were found much on the root thickness of 0.4 to 0.8 mm, 0.8-1.2 mm and 1.6 to 2.0 mm. There was no significant correlation between mycorrhizal devepment and soil available P.