Low-dimensional BiFeO3 nanostructures (e. g., nanocrystals, nanowires, nanotubes, and nanoislands) have gained considerable attentions due to their novel size-dependent properties and outstanding multiferroic properties at room temperature. During recent years, much progress has been made both in fabrications and ( electrical, magnetic and mierostructural) characterizations of BiFeO3 low-dimensional nanostructures. An overview of the state of art in BiFeO31ow-dimensional nanostructures is presented. First, we reviewed the fabrications of high quality BiFeO3 low-dimensional nanostructures via a variety of techniques, and then the nanoscale characterizations of the electrical and magnetic properties of BiFeO3 low-dimensional nanostruetures were introduced. Finally, the enormous progresses made in microstructural characterizations of BiFeO3 low-dimensional nanostructures and the theoretical results about BiFeO3 low-dimensional nanostructures were reviewed, and some key problems in the future research of BiFeO3 low-dimensional nanostruetures were also outlined.