hen individuals or their ingroup members engage in immoral behaviors, they will face a situation of moral dissonance, for immoral behavior damages people's moral self-image and makes people experience negative moral emotions, such as guilt and shame. To maintain a positive self-image, people are motivated to reduce moral dissonance via a series of moral self-regulatory strategies before and after their engagement in immoral behaviors. In the moral decision stage before one commits an immoral behavior, moral dissonance resulting from the anticipated threat to the moral self may be lessened through moral licensing. In one way, individuals may have obtained enough moral credits from past moral behaviors like bank credits in real life, with which the threat to moral self from the coming immoral behavior was thus offset (the moral credits model). In another way, individuals may have already established a credential of their morality in the past, to which the extent of the subsequent immoral behavior would not be deemed to an immoral thing (the moral credentials model). After engaging in an immoral behavior, in the behavior evaluation stage and the responsibility attribution stage, two possible self-regulatory strategies might be used. On the one hand, motivated forgetting of moral rules as a motivational self-regulatory strategy helps people avoid awareness of moral significance of immoral behavior. Without moral awareness, individuals refrain from involving in a moral evaluation and thus a moral dissonance occurs. On the other hand, other cogniti~,e strategies including moral shifting, amorality and moral disengagement may help people rationalize their immoral behaviors. Specifically, individuals may shift the moral evaluation from one foundation to another, on which an immoral event would have an acceptable interpretation and thus the actor become pardonable. Also in a similar way, individuals may shift the criteria of their salient moral foundation without changing it, and the norm-violating behavior may