背景 人口是影响社会经济发展的关键因素。促进人口资源环境协调发展,是建设宜居城市,实现城市可持续发展的基础。在北京市努力建设宜居城市的过程中,人口问题成为一个需要予以高度重视的重要问题。人口会如何影响北京的发展,在北京的发展中需要关注哪些人口问题,以及如何解决这些人口问题,这是一个十分庞杂的大系统,需要广泛和深入地进行研究。本次论坛选取三份最新研究报告,分别从人口资源环境与首都的和谐发展,首都“城中村”改造中的流动人口问题以及流动育龄妇女的生殖健康问题等角度进行探讨。希望这次论坛能引发更多研究者从更广的角度来关注北京以及其他城市发展中的人口问题。
Beijing, the capital city of China is taking the lead in building a harmonious society. Population problems consti- tute a major concern in this endeavor: how population affects development of Beijing, what specific problems are to be considered, and what measures are to be taken. While further and deeper researches are needed, this issue of Population and Development Forum brings together three studies on carrying capacity, floating population, and reproductive health. Most cities in China are over- loaded with population. This is particularly true in Beijing. According to Yang Kaizhong, professor from Peking University, there is a need to work along both lines in solving the problem: on the one hand, pattern of urban development of Beijing need to be adjusted from being dependent on population growth into being dependent on improved productivity; on the other hand, pohcy on population "taking in and taking out" (immigration and emigration) need to be developed. When talking about population size, the problem of floating population needs also to be addressed. Dr. Bao Lufang from Beijing Municipal Academy of Social Sciences discusses issues of floating population living in the "Village in City". He describes the characteristics of the floating population, and the ways in which they respond to reconstructing the "Village in City". He emphasizes the role of floating population, making of reasonable institutional arrangements, and guiding and fostering of their self- organizations. Reproductive health services for floating population is one of the major components of family planning work. However, according to Gui Jiangfeng from China Center for Population and Development Studies, problems and difficulties in the services available for migrant women are not few. Reproductive health knowledge lacking, their attitude and behavior tend to be risky. Quality care has a long way to go.