假定延时恒定且小于1个采样周期, 采用Lyapunov函数、线性矩阵不等式(LMI)以及区间矩阵的概念, 对状态反馈回路网络化的控制系统控制器增益进行设计, 以寻求某个局部最优控制器增益, 使网络化控制系统渐近稳定并同时使该控制器增益可变区间达到最大. 此局部最优控制器增益以及控制器增益的最大可变区间可以利用LMI工具箱中的求解器gevp得到. 实例表明, 采用此种设计方法很容易得到局部最优控制器.
Considering that the network-induced delay is a constant, which is less than one sampiing period, Lyapunov Function, linear matrix inequality (LMI) and interval matrices technique are used to design the local optimal controller gain for state feedback network control systems. The local optimal controller gain which ensures that network control system is asymptotically stable and that there exists maximum-variable interval was designed, and a theorem for the stability of state feedback network control systems was given. The local optimal controller gain and its maximum-variable interval can be easily solved using the efficient LMI toolbox. The example is presented to illustrate that local optimal controller can be easily obtained.