With the increasing popularity of mobile Web, geo-positioning technologies and smart devices, it enables users to generate amounts of location information and corresponding descriptive tags. Route search is a frequent laborious task when users have multiple demands on the trip. In addition, users prefer to specifying the order by which some spatial objects should be vis- ited before others. This paper proposes a new type of route search, multi-tag route query based on order constraints (MTROC) in road networks. We prove that the MTROC query is NP-hard and present three approximate algorithms based on enhanced route overlay and association directory index structure. The route extension greedy algorithm and the route incremental intersection algorithm build a route by greedily inserting a spatial object into some certain segments of the sequence. On contrast, the global route optimistic algorithm provides a globally approximate optimal solution for MTROC query. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets illustrate the efficiency and sealability of the three algorithms proposed in this paper.