利用卫星高度计资料,研究了季节内Kelvin波在印度尼西亚贯穿流海域的传播。起源于赤道印度洋的Kelvin波抵达印度洋东边界后,以沿岸Kelvin波的形式沿苏门答腊-爪哇岛西南沿岸向东传播,15天后抵达龙目海峡,并分为三支:一支向北传播,5天后抵达望加锡海峡,相速度约为1.69 m s^-1;一支向东传播,5天后抵达翁拜海峡,相速度约为1.91–2.86 m s^-1;一支沿松巴岛西南沿岸传播,相速度约为1.96 m s^-1。季节内Kelvin波在该海域的传播速度与第一和第二斜压模Kelvin波一致。
The gridded sea level anomaly(SLA) data-set provided by AVISO is used to track the propagation of intraseasonal Kelvin waves in the Indonesian Throughflow(ITF) region. The large root mean square of intraseasonal SLA along the Sumatra and Java coast is closely related to the propagation of intraseasonal Kelvin waves that derive from the equatorial Indian Ocean. These Kelvin waves are further found to propagate following different pathways at the Lombok Strait. Pathway A propagates eastward throughout the Sumba Strait and Savu Sea to reach the Ombai Strait. Pathway B penetrates into Lombok and propagates northward to reach the Makassar Strait. Pathway C propagates southeastward along the southwest coast of the Sumba Island. The equatorial Kelvin waves take around 15 days to travel from the equatorial Indian Ocean to Lombok Strait, and around 5 days to penetrate into the Makassar and Ombai straits. The Kelvin wave-induced SLA persists in the ITF region for an additional 5 days and then diminishes subsequently. The phase speeds of these intraseasonal Kelvin waves along Pathways A, B, and C are 1.91–2.86, 1.69, and 1.96 m s^-1,respectively—in agreement with the first two baroclinic modes of Kelvin waves.