To clarify the mechanism of shields crushing disaster when mining the deep-buried coal seam with thin bedrock, research methods including physical experiment, digital image processing technology, field measurement, etc. are used to study the characteristics and mechanism of stope roof fracture in deep-buried coal seam with thin bedrock in Huainan coal field. The results show that both the big periodic ground pressure and the small one do exist once the stope roof in deep-buried coal seam with thin bedrock is broken under the condition of load transfer from the unconsolidated confined aqui- fer; there is an inclined block bearing zone over the stope in coal seam with thin bedrock, which trans- fers the pressure to the lower strata and carries the overlying strata loading. When the low key strata breaks, the small periodic ground pressure could be formed. Due to the effect of pressure transfer, the original fissures is propagated and the secondary fissures is developed in overlying strata. The inclined block bearing capacity is weakened. The development of fissures expands effecting the higher and wider strata zones. When the primary key stratum breaks, the inclined block bearing zone reaches the maxi- mum size and the big periodic ground pressure is formed. It is easy to make the shield crushing accident happen during the time of big periodic ground pressure.