针对先进空间快堆RAPID(refuelled by all pins integrated design)-L(Lunar)建立瞬态分析模型,描述其运行特性和启动过程。计算表明RAPID-L具有下列特点:反应堆的换料周期可达10a;能够通过流量变化调节功率;在锂释放模块LRM和锂膨胀模块LEM的共同作用下自动完成启动。因此,RAPID-L运行寿期长,可完全脱离操纵员的操作而实现自动运行,满足空间运行的要求。
The performance characteristic and startup process of advanced space fast reactor RAPID-L were demonstrated with the transient analysis model. The results show that the refuelled period of RAPID-L is 10 years, and the reactor power can be adjusted by primary flow rate control, and it can start automatically with LRM(Lithium Release Module) and LEM(Lithium Expansion Module). Therefore, RAPID-L can operate for a long time and achieve auto-operation without operator. So it fulfils the demand of space operation.