报道迎春樱桃Prunus discoidea(T.T.Yu&C.L.Li)Z.Wei&Y.B.Chang、浙闽樱桃Prunus schneiderianaKoehne和郁李Prunus japonica Thunb.等3种李属植物的省级新记录,确定郁李在安徽的分布,并对采自湖南省的迎春樱桃标本1404254(CSFI)进行重新认定。
Three new records of Prunus species to some provinces of China were reported. The record of Prunus japonica Thunb. in Anhui Province was confirmed. The herbarium of Prunus discoidea (T. T. Yu & C. L. Li) Z. Wei & Y. B. Chang collected from Hunan Province (1404254, CSFI) was identified again.