引言 电容层析成像(electrical capacitance tomography,ECT)是应用于多相流浓度测量的一种新型技术,其原理是通过计算机采集包围在封闭的工业管道、容器外壁的传感器阵列在不同观测角度下的投影数据即电容测量值,利用相应的图像重建算法,重建被测物场的介质分布图。因其具有不干扰流场、快速、廉价、无放射性等优点被认为是极具发展前景的过程成像技术之一。
A novel fast algorithm for electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) was presented. The minimum norm solution was improved according to the nature of the inverse problems of ECT, and the stability of the numerical solution for the improvement was proved via the singular value decomposition principle. Some equations for further improvement of the reconstructed image were deduced by numerical optimization. Numerical experiments indicated that the improvement was efficient and the time of image reconstruction was similar to that of linear back-projection (LBP), however, the quality of the reconstructed image is better than other image reconstruction algorithms such as LBP, Tikhonov and Landweber algorithm.