Mobile TV system should adapt to the heterogeneity of the networks, clients and the dynamic of the wireless links. In this paper, we present SMTVS,a mobile TV system based on H. 264 video coding standard. In SMTVS,the streaming server switches among H. 264 bitstreams with different rate to adapt to the dynamic of the network condition. The proxy servers construct a content delivery network, and transfer the video data from streaming server to the proxy servers through application level multicast. This scheme alleviates the streaming server's load and improves the utilization of the network resources. The proxy servers transcode and shape the rate of the received video data then relay to the clients,which implements the adaptation to the heterogeneity of the clients. To avoid the overflow and underflow of the playout buffer,clients dynamically adjust the rapidity of the playout according to the playout buffer's condition. Through the cooperation between the streaming server,the proxy servers and clients,SMTVS implements the adaptive transmission of video data over wireless links.