白腐真菌的生长和产酶是降解污染物的前提。为了促进白腐真菌的生长和产酶,设计并制备了一种新的载体—打结棉线载体,采用振荡培养的方式研究了打结棉线载体对Panerochaete chrysosporium生长和合成锰过氧化物酶(MnP)的影响。结果表明:与自由悬浮培养相比,固定化培养的生物量可以提高近1倍且葡萄糖利用快;固定化培养30d后,仅形成少量厚垣孢子,未见菌丝脱落,提高培养的稳定性;固定化培养将合成MnP的时间提前到第3d,且MnP活性提高了2.5倍。因此,采用打结棉线载体的固定化培养,利于白腐真菌的生长和MnP的合成。
Knotted cotton-threads were used to increase the growth and production of ligninolytic enzymes of white rot fungi that is a prerequisite for using white rot fungi to degrade the pollutants. The effects of these carriers on the growth and manganese peroxidase (MnP) production of P. chrysosporium were investigated in agitated Erlenmerer flasks. The results immobilized culture was 2 times show that the biomass in the that in a suspended culture with rapid consumption of the glucose in the immobilized culture. The immobilization also enhanced the fungi growth stability. In addition, MnP activity was detectable in the immobilized culture on the 3rd day with more than 3. 5 times the MnP yield in the immobilized culture than in suspended culture. Thus, the knotted cotton-thread carriers are valuable in promoting the growth and MnP production of white rot fungi.