通过推测甾醇TMS衍生物特殊碎片的质谱裂解规律。结合标准品TMS衍生物的质谱图进行分析。根据质谱特征离子确定甾核的双键数,甲基化程度和侧链上双键数,烷基化程度以及相关的位置。用Bligh—Dyer法提取总脂,V(氯仿):V(正己烷)=1:4的混合溶液提取甾醇,BSTFA衍生化,进行气相色谱-质谱分析。应用此研究规律对4种甲藻:共生藻属甲藻(Symbodinium sp.)、锥状斯克里普藻(Scrippsiellatrochoidea)、海洋原甲藻(Prorocentrummicans)、无纹环沟藻(Gyrodiniuminstriatum)的甾醇组成进行鉴定。
The regular mass spectrometric pattern of the TMS derivatives of sterols was studied using mass spectrometry and some TMS derivatives standards. The number of double bonds, methylizes, alkylizes and their related position in the sterol nuclear and the side chains were confirmed by the characteristic ions. Total lipids were extracted using Bligh-Dyer method, sterols were isolated by solvent partition with V(chloroform) : V (hexane) =1 : 4, derivated by BSTFA, and analyzed by GC/MS. The regular pattern was used for identifying the sterols in four dinoflagellates from the Symbodiniurn sp. , Scrippsiella trochoidea , Prorocentrurn micans and Gyrodinium instriatum.