The Xinhualong molybdenum deposit, discovered porphyry deposit. The orebodies are located in the eastern Jilin Province, is a newly mainly hosted in granodiorite-porphyry. The hydrothermal ore-forming processes can he divided into five stages= quart~disseminated molybdenite, quartz-stockwork molybdenite, quartz-pyrite-chalcopyrite, quartz-polymetallic sulfides, quartz- carbonate. Some conclusions have been drawn through petrographic observation of fluid inclusions in this deposit= there are mainly gas liquid two phase (Lq-V) inclusions, subordinately pure gas (V) and pure liquid inclusions (L), and minor daughter minerals bearing multiphase inclusions (L+V+S). The homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions regularly change from the early stage to the late stage.The homogenization temperatures and salinities of fluid inclusions ranges from 172 - 385 ℃, and from 8.51%-45. 44%, respectively. The peak values of homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions formed in different stages are separately 360 - 390 ℃, 270 - 350 ℃, 250 - 260 ℃, 220 - 230 ℃, 170 - 190 ℃. The homogenization temperatures of daughter minerals bearing inclusions mainly range from 272 -385 ℃, salinities from 35. 79%- 45.44%, and densities from 1.07 - 1.08 g/cm3 respectively. Gas liquid two-phase inclusions are mainly in ranges of 172 -381 ℃, 8.51 %-23.36%, and 0.7 -0.99 g/cm3 respectively. Laser Raman spectroscopy of inclusions indicate that the gas components are CO2, H20, N2 and CH4. Petrographic and microthermometric studies indicate that the ore-forming fluid of the first and the second stage, with high temperature, high salinities, CO2-bearing, took place boiling. The fluid boiling resulted in CO2 escaping, temperature decreasing and abundant metal sulfides precipitating. Moreover, data of oxygen and hydrogen isotope indicate that the ore-forming hydrothermal fluid was dominated by magmatic water with mixing of meteoric water in the later stage, and the mechanism for ore-metals precipitation is fluid-