The radioprotective effects of GANRA nanoparticles against X-ray lymphoblast cells. Cytotoxicity and cell proliferation assays radioprotective effects of the nanoparticles. The influence of were conducted to these nanoparticles on radiation were studied in evaluate the toxicity and the induction of genomic instability was determined using the cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay. Our results indicated that GANRA nanoparticles exhibited low toxicity, while protecting lymphoblasts from X-ray radiation-induced damage. Moreover, GANRA nanoparticles acted as free radical scavengers. GANRA nanoparticles could also alter the sensitivity of circulating microRNAs to radiation, as assessed by the relative microRNA expression in lymphoblasts. In conclusion, our results suggest that GANRA nanoparticles have potential use as safe and efficient radioprotectants.