This paper is dedicated to gauging velocities using high resolution GPS during the period from June to September in 2011, making explorative research and comparatively analyzing with other typical glaciers in Baishui No. 1 Glacier, which is a representative maritime glacier in Mr. Yulong. It is suggested in the result that special characteristics of velocity exist in Baishui No. 1 Glacier, which revealed obviously as its style, monthly range from 2.34 in to 4.74 m, 6-10 times faster than other kinds in the same area. Comparatively, the velocity of Baishui No. 1 Glacier is half of that in Palong Glacier No. 94, which demonstrates that velocities are proportional to their scale. In addition, the terminus of Baishui No. 1 Glacier evenly elevated 4381m above sea level, retreating of' an identical rate over the past decade, which is the same indicator as the past 10 years' under the background of climate change.