In order to solve problems of the complexity of estimating dimension of signal subspaee and the large deviation of SNR estimation under little data length in the algorithm of SNR estimation based on subspaee decomposition, an efficient algorithm is proposed to estimate SNR over flat fading channel. Firstly, an autoeorrelation matrix of received signal must be constructed, then the gradient array is obtained from the end of the singular value array by getting deviation every three values in order, and the dimension of signal subspaee is acquired on condition that the average of two consecutive elements of the gradient array is greater than specific threshold. Finally, SNR estimation values are obtained. Computer simulations show that the standard deviations for different modulation signals over flat fading channel are less than 0.1 dB when the actual SNR ranges from -5 dB to 15 dB, not only that, this algorithm performs better in lower SNR and shorter data samples environment compared with MDL and AIC method.