杏仁具有很好的营养和保健作用,以杏仁为主料山楂为辅料红曲作为发酵剂进行杏仁果酒发酵研究。通过实验得出杏仁果酒最佳工艺为:主发酵时间7 d,初始pH为4.5,酵母菌接种量为7%,在26℃的温度下后发酵后陈酿,澄清过滤后得到酒度在8.5%的保健型杏仁果酒。
To almond and hawthorn for raw materials,mixed hawthorn fruit of almond production process were studied.Come through the trial process for making the best: Add pectinase,adjusted the initial pH value of 4.5,against 7% of the yeast fermentation fermentation 7 d,the temperature at 26 ℃ aging,after fermentation,after filtration to clarify the nutrient-rich,vivid color and has a special flavor and efficient health-care function in a complex fruit wine.