A systematic method based on mathematical programming techniques was proposed to optimize the design and operation of batch distillation processes. State-Time-Space (STS) superstructure was constructed by adding a time component into the original State-Space superstructure, which extends the scope of batch distillation optimization. A batch distillation General Disjunctive Dynamic Optimization (GDDO) model was proposed with logic and disjunctive constraints, and the frame work was straightforward and extendable. All equations were reasonably classified by these constraints to reduce the computational complexity caused by redundant equations. Moreover, a rigorous model without constant molar overflow hypothesis was adopted. By considering the trade-offs between capital investments, utility costs and operating cycles, a simultaneous optimization strategy is developed to capture the optimal column configuration, design parameters and operation conditions in one step. A case study of benzene and toluene separation was presented to illustrate the effectiveness of this proposed approach.