The potential energy curves (PECs) for the ground state (X^3∏) and three excited states (^1∑^+,^1∏,^3∑^- ) of BN molecule have been computed using the method of muhireference configuration interaction (MRCI) and Dunning' s correlation consistent basis sets aug-cc-pVSZ. By employing the Murrell-Sorbie function (MS) as well as least-square fitting method, the analytical potential energy functions (APEFs) of these states are induced. The errors between the fitted results and ab initio values are too little in comparison with the chemical accuracy,which can display the interaction between atoms well. Based on the APEFs, the spectroscopic parameters are calculated by solving Schrodinger equation of nuclear motion. It shows that the present APEFs are accurate, and can be used to construct more complicated function or do some dynamics investigations.