Based on the analysis of characteristics and requirements of the dynamic evaluation of collaborative design agent resource, we presented a model of dynamic comprehensive evaluation which reflected the essential of comprehensive capabilities of the resource and was based on comments by users. We considered the influence of the aid-decrease changing trend and similarity from the time When users gave their evaluation to the current time, and used an improved analytic hierarchy process (AHP) that did not need to verify the judging matrix coherence or decide the evaluation indices weights. The experiment shows that the dynamic model' which embodies dynamic characteristics such as value changes in user evaluations and time, reflects the advantages, disadvantages, robustness and resource growth extent. Additionally, the dynamic model can simplify weightiness coefficients of the indices calculation, and solves the accordant problem of the judging matrix when there are too many indices in the AHP. The model enables the comprehensive decision-making when there are many indices and the evaluation value varies dynamically.