Using P wave arrivals from the earthquakes recorded by seismic stations in Taiwan and the mainland of China, Japan and Ryukyu Arcs, we reconstructed the velocity structure of the lithospheric mantle in the eastern China Sea and adjacent area by a travel time tomography technique. Based on the result, we analyzed the deep boundaries between the Sino-Korea, Yangtze, and South China blocks and determined their tectonic properties by comparing lithosphere mantle structures and dynamic conditions. They also revealed the interaction between the Eurasian continent and the Philippine Sea plate in Taiwan and the effect of slab subduction and back-arc extension along the Ryukyu Arc on the lithosphere structure in the eastern China Sea areas. The results indicate that the boundary in the sea areas between the Sino-Korea and Yangtze blocks mainly consists of the Wulian-Qingdao fault in eastern China, the western marginal fault of the Korea peninsula, and the southern marginal fault of the Cheju island. The Jiangshao fault is extended to the south tip of the Korea peninsula and serves as the boundary to separate the Yangtze and south China blocks. A clear difference of lithosphere structure is observed in the continent shelf of the eastern China Sea and the Okinawa through. The former has a nature of the lithosphere of eastern China and belongs to an extension of the Eurasian continent. The lithosphere of the latter is thinned intensively as a transition area from continental to oceanic lithosphere. Along the Japan-Ryukyu-Taiwan subduction zone, a mantle perturbation produced by the downgoing slab of the Phlippine Sea plate plays an important role in the eastern China sea areas. The interaction between the Eurasia continent and the Philippine Sea plate resulted in the thickening of the lithosphere beneath Taiwan.