Objective: To study the expression of Oct4 in adenocarcinomas from 5 tissue origins and provide insights to the Oct4-related mechanism of carcinogensis. Methods: Immuno-histochemistry staining was adopted to study the expression of Oct4 protein in adenocareinoma tissue array containing adenocarcinoma and paratumoral samples of 5 tissue origins. Results: Oct4 was expressed in all 5 adenocarcinomas. Oct4 was significantly differently expressed in gastric-derived adenocarcinoma and paratumoral tissue (P〈0.05), but not other origins. Breast and intestinal adenocarcinomas without lymph riode metastasis had stronger Oct4 expression than those with lymph node metastasis (P〈0.05). However, there was no dif- ference of Oct4 level in gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer and endometrial cancer, no association of Oct4 expression with clinical stage was observed. Except for in endometrium tissue, Oct4 was mainly located in cytoplasm in normal tissue, but in nucleus and cytoplasm in tumor tissue. Conclusion: The expression of Oct4 may be an early event during tumorigenesis; Oct4 was expressed in different patterns in various tissues and their counterpart adenocarcinoma. The distribution of Oct4 in nuclear or cytoplasm may present its physiolozical or pathological function during tumorigenesis.