文章应用高斯九点滤波、年际变化斜率分析、两组样本平均值差异的显著性检验方法等统计方法,分析了成都市近50 a来的气温、降水、相对湿度、云量、大雾日数等气象要素资料,同时分析了成都市及其所辖13个区(市)县气象站的气象资料以及成都市城市规模变化(城市建成区面积、工业废气排放总量以及人口变化等)相关的资料。研究结果表明,在1980s末1990s初,成都市气候发生了转折性的变化,出现明显的热岛效应和干岛效应,这与成都市的城市化进程有着非常紧密的联系。文章对成都城市气候的影响因素作了初步尝试性的分析。
Using the methods of the Gaussian 9-point filtering,analysis of the slope of inter--annual change and the prominence testing of the difference in meteorological element between two samples, etc. , the climate change of Chengdu city and its governed 13 counties are analyzed, which is based on the temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, cloud cover, the number of fog days, more meteorological data and the city environment change data, for example, the city built-up area, variety of population and the total exhaust gas discharged by industries. The result shows that at the end of the 80s and the beginning of the 90s of the twenty century,the climate character of Chengdu take a turn in the course of changing, the heat island effect and the dry island effect obviously appeared. There exists a very closely relationship between the urban developing and climate change in Chengdu. In this article, the influential factor of the city climate of Chengdu is primarily and tentatively analyzed.