Scaling laws are powerful reflectors of the variations of the output of urban economic activities and the number of infrastructures with urban population. However, the difference in spatial definition of cities and data sources by countries leads to different statistical results of scaling law. We aim to analyse the difference in this paper by calculating regression coefficients of scaling law at different spatial scales, combined with census data, urban statistical yearbook data and remote sensing data of China. The conclusions are shown as follows: (1) Scaling coefficients change with both spatial scales and data sources. For spatial scales, scaling law is more agreeable with the data of urban municipal districts than with those of the whole city area in China. As there is a large number of non-urbanized areas within cities; these regions do not meet the assumptions of scaling law model. For data source, remote sensing data have a better fitting result than urban statistical yearbook data. (2) Comparatively speaking, urban population agglomeration contributes more to economic growth in China than it does in the US, but China has lower energy consumption and land-use efficiency. For example, the Gross Regional Product (GRP) scaling indicator of China is 1.22, while it is 1.11 in the United States. (3) Population agglomeration contributes more to the economic growth in large cities than in small cities. This may explain the emerging trends of urban immigrants in large cities of China. However, for energy consumption, small and medium-sized cities are more efficient than large cities. In addition, this paper discusses the potential direction for urban scaling research from three aspects: establishing more effective statistical units, combining traditional survey with big data analysis, and exploring mechanics behind scaling models.