In broadband seismology, the signals and ambient noises are usually frequency mixed, so it is hard to extract the signals from the ambient noises by the conventional filter algorithms. Due to the frequency mixing of seismic noise and the non-stationarity of the recorded signal, tools that can effectively take into account the frequency-time variation of the seismic recordings are more suitable for fulfilling this task. The S-transform is an invertible time-frequency spectral localization technique that combines elements of wavelet transforms and short-time Fourier transforms. The time-frequency resolution of S-transform is related to the width of Gaussian window, which has high frequency resolution at low frequency section and high time resolution at high frequency section. The obvious advantage of using the S-transform is that it is convenient not only to denoise but also to directly invert from time-frequency domain to the time domain. Taking the S transform as an example, this paper proposes a new method of phase filter based on phase stack. Phase direction of the coherent signals in the complex plane is consistent, rather that of ambient noises is tanglesome. Compared with the conventional stack method of seismic data, the phase stack of seismic data will get statistical phase of those signals, which is more sensitive to waveform similarity, less to strong amplitude. Phase filter of phase stack in the time-frequency domain easily recognizes ambient noises and also extract coherent signals. So, the method can obviously improve S/N ratio of seismic data. The results of the synthetic benchmark showed that the method performs better than conventional band-pass filter, also very well even if the signal has much lower S/N ratio. Of course, as the increasing of noise levels, the reconstructed signal still has serious noise, especially when the signal and the most energetic part of the noise share the same frequencies and phases. In these cases, the signal after phase filter by the method we presented can estimate r