After the rise of modem concept of country governance, the network multi-dimensional governance mode is advocated. Con-forming to the trend of the times and based on national conditions, the network governance in China is changing from the initial top- down mode towards multi-dimensional governance mode, and correspondingly the role of government is shifting from leading towards guiding. However, the traditional mode has been followed for many years. The problems caused by the government * s dominance cannot be easily eliminated, and the change of government role cannot be accomplished at one stroke. Based on excellent experiences of other countries, we should adhere to the principles of combining government guidance and autonomous network governance, public participa-tion and collaborative governance, and balancing network governance and Internet freedom of citizens, and achieve the government role transformation via four basic paths as follows: newly dividing government functions and establishing a mechanism of interdepartmental coordination governance, encouraging the participation of multiple subjects, adopting diversified means of governance and advocating self-discipline.