In this paper, the effects of different amount of nitrogen fertilizer application on nitrate distribution and accumulation in soil profile, and their effects on groundwater environment have been studied in winter wheat- summer maize rotation system in Beijing area. Results showed that most of nitrate accumulated in 0- 80 cm soil profile, the peak of nitrate content occurred at around 50 em soil depth in winter wheat season when sprinkling irrigation system was used. However in summer maize season, the peak of nitrate content has moved to 150 em soil depth, causing an obvious nitrate leaching. Nitrate content in soil srofile increased with the increasing of nitrogen fertilizer application. Nitrogen application per crop season of less than 110 kg/hm2 causeed N defeit in root zone, while application amount of higher than 220kg/hm2 resulted in great N accumulation in 0-200 cm soil profile. The N accumulation amount generally increased with increasing rate of nitrogen applicalton, Baseu on the soil nitrogen balance, a seasonal N application of 250 kg/hm2 was recommended in the studied region under wheat/corn rotation system. Considering the groundwater level was around 12.5 m in this region it could be concluded that the effect of winter wheat-summer maize system may do minor effect on groundwater environment at present, while more attention should be payed to their long-term effect.