用响应面法对交替假单胞杆菌RS-2(pseudoalteromonas paragorgicola)的液体培养基进行优化。首先,采用了Plackett-Btmmn实验设计研究,确定了对菌体浓度主要影响组分:蛋白胨、酵母粉、NaCl。第二步,通过最陡爬坡实验逼近以上三种因素最优水平,最后用响应面设计法对培养基进行了优化,实验结果表明培养基最佳组分为蛋白胨0.6698g/100mL,酵母粉O.3296g/100mL,NaCl24.38g/L,Fe2(PO4)30.01g/L,MgS04·7H206.92g/L,MS02·6H205.5lg/L,CaCl2·H201.45g/L,KCl0.67g/L,在此条件下发酵,得到菌体浓度为1.067×10^9cfu/mL。而原始2116E培养基达到8.7×10^8cfu/mL,优化后提高1.22倍。
Response surface methodology was used to optimize the fermentation condition of RS-2 (pseudoaltero- monas paragorgicola). In the first step, Plackett-Burman design was used to evaluate the influence of related factors. The result showed that trypton, yeast extract and NaC1 significantly affected on the concentration of RS- 2. Secondly, the path of steepest ascent was used to approach the optimal region of above three factors. In the third step the concentration of trypton, yeast extract and NaC1 were optimized by using response surface analy- sis. As a result, the concentration of RS-2 increased from 8. 7 x l0^8 cfu/mL to 1.067 x 10^9 cfu/mL, when the content of optimal medium is trypton 0. 6698 g/100 mL, yeast extract 0. 3296 g/100 mL, NaCI 24.38 g/L, Fe2(POa)3 0.01 g/L,MgSOa·7H20 6.92 g/L,MgC12·6H20 5.51 g/L CaC12·H20 1.45 g/L,KC1 0.67g/L.