In order to obtain model material with low strength and low modulus which can be used to make dynamic centrifuge model to study damage phenomena in the dynamic centrifuge shaking table test, orthogonal experimental design method to investigate plaster performance with different mixing proportion are studied. Based on the experiment results, an appropriate plaster mixture is selected to make the model for centrifuge shaking table tests. Furthermore, the plaster is treated by waterproof measures and underwent waterproof test. The results show that the waterproof plaster buried in moist soil can maintain strength and modulus. Similitude design of a model test concerns the size and materials of the model in prophase of a test and also concerns the management of data after the test, so it is very important for shaking table tests. Similitude design of the dynamic soil-structure interaction test on shaking table system for geotechnical centrifuge is carried out by means of dimensional analysis method, which is based on theorem of Bockingham π. The main aim of the similitude design in the system is to induce strong soil-structure interaction as in the prototype. So the similitude design should maintain similar relative stiffness and inertial force between soil and structure as in the prototype. Based on the required similitude, plaster model and micro-concrete model are designed, and the analysis about the two models is conducted.